Monday 9 July 2012

Feeding Bottles

Picking the right feeding bottles is important and one of the things i carefully pick for my son. At first I didn't bother at all, the only thing in my mind then was that i'll be buying my son cute bottles... I was 5 or 6 mos. along when we went shopping for baby stuff. We went to baby company in SM. I was going through the different bottles in the aisles and i was already picking anything i like when  my dad called me and ask me to check out 3 brands of feeding bottles avent, dr. brown and playtex. I was browsing through it and being a person who likes being thrifty, I immediately compared the prices of these bottles to the other bottles. they are quite pricey, but my dad insisted that when my youngest brother was a toddler he used playtex bottles only. 

I check each bottles and stop when a very nice sales lady inform me of the benefits of these bottles. In the end i got really hook with this "PLAYTEX VENTAIRE ADVANCED" .What i like about it is that First: it prevent gas, colic and spit-up. (BTW, it does. my son is now 14 mos and he rarely does have gas, colic or spit-up) he can drink straight without worrying of stopping him to make him burp and if you observe your baby while drinking there is no air bubbles while drinking 2nd: it price is quite lower compared to avent and dr.brown (i also check some reviews for avent and made me stay with playtex). 3rd: comfort in use, because of the angled bottle it easy for my son to drink from it and its easy to hold 4th: its easy to clean since the pieces can be detach you can clean each piece separately but it quite a hassle in putting them back together and 5th i like the nipples that came with it (slow flow) bec. my son is a preemie (born at 32wks) the flow is well controlled for newborn although i'm quite disappointed that i cant find any medium flow for this bottles they only have the slow and fast flow available... but overall i am really satisfied. Quality for the money i paid for. 

(FYI: I'll be buying more set this coming payday for my son... he kinda worn out already some of his bottles so i decided to replace them... )

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