Monday 27 August 2012

with woody

my baby with his woody! it so funny how a baby can pick a toy he wants and be scared of someone like mcdonalds... hahahaha

Tuesday 14 August 2012


this past few days i have notice my son's shy behavior. how do you overcome this?

Sunday 22 July 2012

My little preemie

This is the very first photo I have of my son. He was born at 32 weeks. My due date is July 1, 2011 but I was admitted in the hospital on May 5, 2011 and 5 days later (05.10.2011) gave birth to my first son. GODRIC KRISTIAN SANER B. GARGALLO

He had to stay in the hospital for 1 month and 3 days. around 3 and half weeks in NICU and a week in nursery. He weighs 2kg then and 45cm long - quite big for a premature as per our doctor.

He has a weak lungs so he had to be under ventilation for more than a week and under medication. At an early stage he was diagnose with pneumonia, a slight jaundice - hence the blue light, and PDA - patent ductus arteriosus ( hahaha! i don't even know how to pronounce this, so for more info search the net =P ). It was a roller coaster ride and I don't want to get into the details of our experience ( i have talk about a million times ) it was the lowest one can get with my hormones being so crazy : post natal depression is sure to hit - i blame myself, low self esteem, feeling lonely, feeling helpless, sad for no reason, all sorts.... I don't even know how my partner was able to handle all of this.

My son came home June 13, 2011 - a day when my heart finally calm down and my head started thinking again. And finally the day my partner Xtian was able to get a good night sleep and as for me, I didn't dare sleep I just watch my son sleep and breath all throughout the night. caressing him with all my love and feeding him carefully making sure I follow every advice.

He is now 14 mos and growing really fast, he's healthy now but the PDA is still there and may require operations that we are now saving up for. I don't want him to get an operations but the doctors insist that its important that this is done when he's ready and so far he is still growing so for now he is taking supplements for his heart.

My son is my life. he brought meaning to my own being and now i am scared to death - thinking of the day the doctors decide that its time for his operations. Everyone are thinking positively about this and keeps on telling me that he's healthy and he might overcome this after some time, but in my head are the word of his doctor that the hole in his arteries are too big for it to close on its own.

I am praying for a miracle.

I am praying for my son.


Going through my pregnancy was complicated. We had so many complications like threaten abortion, infections, having contractions as early as 4 mos etc. it would have been a lot worse if not for my ob-gynecologist. I'll try not to be biased about this but I think she is the best doctor here in manila, DRA. EMELITA FRANCISCO. I know she's my Tita and she's my mom's doctor when i was born (lahat ata ng babae sa family namin siya ang nagpaanak). But based on the number of her patients and the number of people she help conceived (a rich couple did gave her a brand new auto for helping them conceived after numerous trials with other doctors). I remember one of her patients who lives in cavite but still endures travelling to caloocan bec. she is only confident with dr. emy. well, i dont blame them she is the sweetest and caring doctor you'll ever have. You'll feel very much comfortable with her. I guess i owe her more than just gifts and thank you's i owe her a lot more bec. without her i might have lose my child if it weren't for her. THANK YOU... 

Monday 9 July 2012

Godric's 1st Birthday

MAY 10, 2011 i gave birth to my first child. GODRIC KRISTIAN SANER B. GARGALLO. he was born 8 weeks early and had to be confine in the hospitals NICU for more than a month. He survived crucial situation where his lungs and heart is weak, he came out fighting when all we can do is pray. a year now has pass and our little angel has finally reach his first year birthday and with everything we went through it was just right to make his birthday as special as possible. 

here's a picture of my son with his car we bought him before his birthday. he loves anything with wheels so instead of doing a toy story party (bec he loves woody) we decided to make a car in the summer birthday!! He like playing in the water and cars!

here's his party invitation... we decided to make it look like a ticket to a race so i ask our former boss (fotografix image + motion) to make it look like one...and they kindly oblige and made us really satisfied with the result... 

here is the cover photo for his story book which included on the photo/video i got c/o fotografix image + motion.

my mom's friend is a baker so we ordered this cake and 60 cupcakes from her for P4800.00. the cake is so moist chocolatey and the icing is perfectly sweet for it. i'll sure be a repeat customer... Ms. BAKER RAE thank you for this....
I bought the letter candles in divisoria for P10/each.

the centerpieces!! this are homemade! i am proud to say that we just did this ourselves... to save on some money. i just bought the balloons and tied them together ta..da!!

manong cotton candy to serve unlimited cotton candy from start to finish of our party hence from 10am to 5pm.. a treat for the little sweet tooth

what's a a kids party without an ice cream so we had manong sorbetes to serve everyone with unlimited cheese and chocolate ice cream!! with the heat of the summer this surely was a best seller.... 

we decided to make it a little healthy by also having 100 pieces of frozen banana to serve with different kind of sprinkle and with chocolate and vanilla dip... yum! yum!

we also made a candy buffet that serves gummi worms, gummy rings, chocolate marshmallows, strawberry mallows, jelly cups and jelly sticks... which was i think a more hit with the adults than the kids... since the kids are quite pre-occupied with playing in the water...

( another pic.. yummy )

setting up the venue with tables and chairs for adults and kids...

FOOD catered by RODELS catering.... 

more prizes!

Kids Pool

the venue before the decorations...

a little pic of the people who came and celebrated with us....

check our save the date video....

check out the AVP!!

I think with the DIY and the whole planning of this celebration i can be a party coordinator if i have the time... hahahaha!! 

Feeding Bottles

Picking the right feeding bottles is important and one of the things i carefully pick for my son. At first I didn't bother at all, the only thing in my mind then was that i'll be buying my son cute bottles... I was 5 or 6 mos. along when we went shopping for baby stuff. We went to baby company in SM. I was going through the different bottles in the aisles and i was already picking anything i like when  my dad called me and ask me to check out 3 brands of feeding bottles avent, dr. brown and playtex. I was browsing through it and being a person who likes being thrifty, I immediately compared the prices of these bottles to the other bottles. they are quite pricey, but my dad insisted that when my youngest brother was a toddler he used playtex bottles only. 

I check each bottles and stop when a very nice sales lady inform me of the benefits of these bottles. In the end i got really hook with this "PLAYTEX VENTAIRE ADVANCED" .What i like about it is that First: it prevent gas, colic and spit-up. (BTW, it does. my son is now 14 mos and he rarely does have gas, colic or spit-up) he can drink straight without worrying of stopping him to make him burp and if you observe your baby while drinking there is no air bubbles while drinking 2nd: it price is quite lower compared to avent and dr.brown (i also check some reviews for avent and made me stay with playtex). 3rd: comfort in use, because of the angled bottle it easy for my son to drink from it and its easy to hold 4th: its easy to clean since the pieces can be detach you can clean each piece separately but it quite a hassle in putting them back together and 5th i like the nipples that came with it (slow flow) bec. my son is a preemie (born at 32wks) the flow is well controlled for newborn although i'm quite disappointed that i cant find any medium flow for this bottles they only have the slow and fast flow available... but overall i am really satisfied. Quality for the money i paid for. 

(FYI: I'll be buying more set this coming payday for my son... he kinda worn out already some of his bottles so i decided to replace them... )